Rearrange the random color fields into clusters by swapping them.
The aim is to group all the colors into clusters, eliminating any unconnected walls and isolated single cells.
White walls divide dissimilar neighbors and, conversely, they are absent between the neighbors that are similar.
Each color field has a top, bottom, left and/or right neighbor (no diagonal neighbors).
There are two play modes: "Circle" and "Square".
In the "Circle" mode ( ) neighbors are similar if they are close in hue (like in a color wheel), regardless of their brightness or saturation.
In the "Square" mode ( ) the similarity between colors is determined by the distance between them in a 3D color space.
[See below for tips and clarifications.]
(Written in Processing)
Solution example
Examples of (dis)similarity between colors in both modes.
Circle mode
Square mode
Clicking the circle or the square sets the mode and generates a new game with a new set of colors.
- The marker shows the first field in the swapping pair. After you select a field to swap, you can deselect it by clicking on the field again. The marker will disappear.
- You can hide the white walls to see the clusters on their own.
The walls must be on in order to finish the game.
- You won't be able to make any more swaps after you finish the game.
You can choose 5x5, 6x6 or 7x7 grid.
- The counter shows the number of swaps you have made.
- Responsiveness of the game depends on the browser. Speed in descending order: Chrome, Firefox, Safari. It is playable on portable devices, but it works best on laptop/desktop computers.
- 3D color space in "Square" mode is
a coordinate system where coordinates of each color are its red, green and blue values (0-255).
We usually group colors into classes (red, green, blue, orange...) defined by culture and language.
That is also how we determine if the colors are similar.
The "Circle" mode in Chroma Cluster roughly mimics our everyday perceptual model.
The "Square" mode adheres to strict mathematical rules, and it might contradict our experience.
You will notice the similarity patterns as you play.
After all, similarity between colors is just a matter of convention.